Thursday, April 23, 2009

Gender and Crime

A serious subject matter for NYU Press. Just one alternate to show here...I thought the first one really brought "gender" into the cover concept, but instead they opted for a more straightforward approach.

Not sure the idea of a woman's figure translates to the final cover as an immediate association.


  1. I think it translates great, and is a witty use of an otherwise cliché object (hand cuffs) for the topic of crime.

    I hope you don't mind, but I occasionally take a stab at covers that some of my favorite designers are doing. Here's is a rather less subtle exploration and perhaps is not even that good in the end:

  2. A great design indeed!

    In fact, I found it so inspiring that I've dared to follow Ian's suit and come up with a (properly credited :)) tribute as well. I really do hope you don't mind that.

    Should you wish to see it, please visit this link:

    Thank you, and all the best,


  3. Okay, don't laugh, but when I saw the top comp, I immediately thought of Rosie from the Jetsons. The second makes me think of the Willendorf Venus . Both appropriate, but the bottom design seems more serious. Weird subtitle, though. I keep thinking "offending" what?
